Interest free

Try NOT to buy a bed
or mattress on interest free credit

The purpose of interest-free credit is to remove any doubt in the customer’s mind that they can afford a new luxury item right now!

In reality they have huge hidden costs as the real cost of the credit is hidden and factored in to the price. In reality the customers who take credit are paying on average 8% to 15% on top of what they should be paying. 

Even worse than that the customers who choose to pay upfront for a bed or mattress that supposedly has this interest free credit are still being charged for the additional cost of credit despite the fact that they are buying the bed outright. These people are getting the worst value for money imaginable.

By avoiding interest free credit you are ensuring all your money is spent purely on the bed or mattress and in doing so you are getting a better quality bed or mattress for your money.
Interest free - hidden fees

Hope this helps but please feel free to ask for more advice and

remember the most important thing is to ‘try before you buy

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